Corel Painter Nozzles Download Firefox

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  1. Corel Painter Nozzles Download Firefox Firefox
  2. Corel Painter Nozzles Download Firefox Version

Jul 3, 2018 - How to Create a Photo Nozzle in Corel Painter Creating photo nozzles in Painter can. Software Skype install a browser add-on in Mozilla. Corel Painter X3 Download Free Full Setup. Painter X3 has gain popularity in best Paint programs. Download Corel Painter X3 Free Version For Mac.

. Open Painter. Create a new art file. Set your art file to contain five layers, using Painter's layer palette. Create additional layers by clicking on the small arrow sub-menu at the top right of the palette window, and selecting 'New layer.'

. Draw or paste a photo of a flower (cut out from Adobe Photoshop) into your first layer. Draw a similar flower to the first layer or paste a matching photo of a flower (cut out from Adobe Photoshop) into your second layer. Draw or paste a photo into your next three layers, until you have five layers, each containing an element of your image nozzle. Either a drawing or a photo can be displayed on your layers.

Group all five layers by selecting them and, in the 'Layer' sub-menu, select 'Group layers.' . Open the nozzle selector. Click on the arrow to access the sub-menu.

Choose 'Make nozzle from group.' This will create a new file, with your different layers displayed over black. Save the new file as a RIFF.

Give it a descriptive name, such as 'flower photo nozzle.' Close the file. Open a separate art document to use your new nozzle. Select the 'Nozzle' tool, access the sub-menu and select your 'Image hose' tool in the 'Paintbrush' menu. Click 'Load nozzle' to begin using your new photo nozzle. Was this answer helpful? Related Questions Q: A: Place the Corel Photo CD into your Mac computer's optical drive and wait for the CD to mount on your desktop.

Double-click on the Corel Ph. Q: A: Start the Corel Painter X software program.

Select 'Open an Existing Document.' Find your digital photo file in the file navigation wind. Q: A: Use your mouse to select the Color Fill tool, located on the toolbar on the left side of your screen. Click on the Color Fill icon to select. Q: A: Click on the 'File' menu, then 'Open.'

You can open an image of your own or choose one of the photos from Disk 3. To open a blank document. Q: A: Click 'Start,' type 'media center' and press 'Enter.' Click 'Picture Library' beneath 'Pictures and Videos.' Click 'Create Slide Show.'

Page: 1 Copyright 2014 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel® Painter® 2015 User Guide The contents of this user guide and the associated Corel Painter software are the property of Corel Corporation and its respective licensors, and are protected by copyright. For more complete copyright information about Corel Painter, please refer to the About Corel Painter section in the Help menu of the software. Product specifications, pricing, packaging, technical support and information (“specifications”) refer to the retail English version only. The specifications for all other versions (including other language versions) may vary.

Information is provided by Corel on an “as is” basis, without any other warranties or conditions, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantable quality, satisfactory quality, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or those arising by law, statute, usage of trade, course of dealing or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results of the information provided or its use is assumed by you. Corel shall have no liability to you or any other person or entity for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to, loss of revenue or profit, lost or damaged data or other commercial or economic loss, even if Corel has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or they are foreseeable. Corel is also not liable for any claims made by any third party. Corel's maximum aggregate liability to you shall not exceed the costs paid by you to purchase the materials.

Some states/countries do not allow exclusions or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. Corel, the Corel balloon logo, the Corel logo and balloon logo combination, Painter, Cinco, CorelDRAW, Natural-Media, PaintShop, RealBristle, VideoStudio and WordPerfect are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in Canada, the U.S., and/or other countries. Other product, font, and company names and logos may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Patents: Sample artwork is provided by third parties not affiliated with Corel and used by permission.

110064 Page: 2 Contents 1 Contents Welcome to Corel Painter. 1 Using the documentation.1 Adjusting the Help window text size.4 Additional resources.5 Registration.

5 Corel Cinco for Painter. 6 Feedback. 7 About Corel Corporation.7 What’s new in Corel Painter 2015.9 Revolutionary digital brushes.9 Enhanced speed and performance.

11 A fully responsive experience.12 Mobile art that moves you.13 What was new in earlier versions of Corel Painter. 13 Workspace tour.23 Corel Painter terms.24 Exploring the Document window. 26 Choosing a workspace layout.29 Exploring the toolbox.31 Displaying the toolbox.37 Displaying the Media Selector bar. 38 Page: 3 2 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Displaying the property bar.39 Exploring the Navigator panel. 40 Displaying the Brush Selector bar and the Brush library panel.41 Displaying the command bar.

43 Exploring panels and palettes.43 Rearranging panels and palettes.49 Creating and modifying custom palettes. 53 Managing custom palettes.55 Working with libraries. 56 Creating, importing, exporting, and deleting workspaces. 57 Restoring the default Corel Painter settings. 58 A short tour of Corel Painter for users of Adobe Photoshop.61 Creating, navigating, and manipulating documents.67 Creating documents. 68 Understanding resolution. 70 Opening and placing files.

71 Creating and opening templates. 74 Switching document views.74 Navigating images and viewing image information.


75 Zooming images.77 Rotating images and the canvas.80 Flipping images. 82 Repositioning images.84 Page: 4 Contents 3 Cropping images.

85 Resizing images and the canvas. 86 Saving and backing up files. Download movie pirates of the caribbean 1 in hindi hd 2017. 88 Choosing a file format. 89 Emailing documents.91 Closing documents and quitting the application.

92 Using two monitors. 93 Support for tablets and other devices. 93 Multi-touch support. 93 Wacom Intuos support.96 Drag-and-drop features.97 Keyboard shortcuts.

99 Customizing keys.101 Toolbox commands. 104 Panel commands. 107 Corel Painter menu commands.107 File menu commands. 108 Edit menu commands.

108 Canvas menu commands. 109 Layers menu commands.110 Select menu commands. 110 Shapes menu commands. 111 Effects menu commands.

111 Page: 5 4 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Window menu commands. 111 Screen navigation.112 Panel navigation.112 Panel menu commands. 113 Brush tools.114 Selection tools.116 Adjuster tools.116 Shape tools.

118 Animation. 120 Lighting.120 Layer selection tools. 121 Mosaics. 121 Other commands. 121 Painting. 123 Choosing a painting workflow. 124 Brush tracking and calibration.126 Exploring painting media.131 Working with the canvas and layers.132 Displaying reference images.

Corel Painter Nozzles Download Firefox

133 Clearing the canvas. 134 Setting up the drawing cursor. 134 Using a stylus vs. A mouse.136 Applying freehand and straight brushstrokes.138 Constraining, fading, and undoing strokes.140 Page: 6 Contents 5 Erasing image areas.

141 Aligning brushstrokes to paths and shapes. 142 Letting media pool.143 Making 360° strokes. 144 Painting with airbrushes. 144 Adjusting spread. 145 Recording and playing back brushstrokes.147 Reference: Troubleshooting.149 Working with paper texture and grain.151 Applying paper texture.152 Creating and deleting paper textures.153 Opening and managing the Paper Textures library.155 Inverting and scaling paper grain.155 Controlling brightness and contrast of paper grain. 157 Adjusting grain direction and behavior.157 Auto-painting photos.159 Creating underpaintings. 160 Auto-painting photos.

162 Restoring detail to paintings.165 Image cloning and sampling. 167 Cloning images.

167 Using Quick Clone.171 Page: 7 6 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Setting cloning preferences. 172 Working with multiple clone sources.173 Editing, updating, saving, and exporting clone source images.174 Painting in the clone.

176 Using brush loading.179 Performing offset sampling. 179 Applying transformations when sampling.182 Using selections and transformations when sampling.191 Filling an area with a sampled image.193 Working with composition tools, symmetry tools, rulers, and guides. 195 Using the Layout Grid. 196 Using the Mirror Painting mode.198 Using the Kaleidoscope Painting mode.201 Using Perspective Guides.203 Using the Divine Proportion tool. 208 Using rulers.211 Using guides. 212 Using Snap to Guides.

213 Using the grid.214 Using Snap to Grid. 215 Color. 217 Choosing colors from the Color panel.218 Resizing the Color panel.221 Page: 8 Contents 7 Showing or hiding Color panel components.221 Using the temporal colors palette. 222 Changing the paper color. 223 Sampling colors from images.

223 Cloning color.224 Creating two-color brushstrokes.224 Exploring the Mixer panel and mixing controls.226 Displaying and resizing the Mixer panel. 228 Mixing, sampling, and applying colors from the Mixer pad. 229 Opening images in the Mixer panel. 231 Changing and saving the Mixer color swatches.

232 Saving Mixer panel colors to a color set.232 Clearing and resetting Mixer panel colors.233 Saving the Mixer pad. 234 Loading color swatches and Mixer pad files. 234 Working with color sets.

235 Customizing the layouts of color sets.236 Creating and exporting color sets.237 Editing color sets.238 Setting color variability.240 Setting Color Expression.240 Loading multiple colors. 240 Working with color fills.241 Page: 9 8 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Applying a color as a fill. 242 Limiting and preventing leakage.244 Color management. 247 Understanding color management.

247 Specifying the default RGB color profile. 251 Embedding color profiles when saving files.252 Specifying the default CMYK color profile for converting CMYK images to RGB.253 Previewing and soft-proofing color profiles. 253 Assigning or removing color profiles. 254 Converting color profiles. 255 Working with color profile policies.256 Working with presets. 257 Correcting and adjusting colors.259 Correcting colors using curves.260 Adjusting brightness and contrast.261 Using the curve to correct colors.264 Drawing freehand curves to adjust colors.266 Specifying the curve values to adjust colors.267 Adjusting hue, saturation, and value.268 Adjusting selected colors.271 Equalizing images.274 Matching color and brightness across images.

276 Inverting colors.277 Page: 10 Contents 9 Posterizing an image.278 Applying video legal colors.279 Dodging and burning.279 Libraries.281 Importing and exporting libraries. 281 Creating and removing libraries.282 Modifying the display of library panels.283 Moving, renaming, and deleting library resources. 285 Restoring default libraries.285 Selecting, managing, and creating brushes.287 Understanding brushes.288 Exploring brush categories. 288 Searching and selecting brushes.304 Setting basic brush attributes.306 Displaying advanced brush controls dynamically.310 Organizing and displaying brushes in the Brush library panel.

310 Copying and moving brush variants. 312 Renaming brush categories and variants. 312 Saving and deleting brush variants.313 Restoring default brush variants. 315 Creating and deleting brush categories.

315 Creating and deleting brush libraries.316 Page: 11 10 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Importing and exporting brush libraries, categories, and variants. 317 Saving a brush look. 321 Creating brush dabs.321 Adjusting brushes with brush controls. 325 Exploring Brush Controls.

326 Expression settings. 327 Previewing brushstrokes and brush dabs. 329 Calibrating brush variants.330 General controls.

332 General controls: Dab types. 332 General controls: Stroke types. 337 General controls: Methods and subcategories. 339 General controls: Source. 342 General controls: Multicore. 343 Opacity controls. 343 Grain controls.345 Stroke Attribute controls.

347 Size controls.349 Angle controls.353 Spacing controls.357 Changing dab profiles.359 Real Watercolor controls. 362 Real Wet Oil controls. 367 Computed Circular controls.373 Page: 12 Contents 11 Hard Media controls.373 Bristle controls.374 RealBristle controls. 375 Static Bristle controls.375 Airbrush controls.378 Artists’ Oils controls. 381 Impasto controls. 385 Digital Watercolor controls.385 Water controls.385 Liquid Ink controls.390 Stroke Jitter controls.397 Well controls. 398 Mouse controls.

401 Smoothing controls.402 Image Hose controls. 403 Rake controls.403 Multi controls.407 Cloning controls. 407 Color Variability controls.415 Color Expression controls.417 Jitter brushes.419 Choosing a Jitter brush variant.419 Controlling the behavior of Jitter variants.422 Page: 13 12 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Watercolor.423 Working with the Watercolor layer.424 Watercolor brushes and paper texture interaction. 425 Working with Real Watercolor brushes.426 Working with Watercolor brushes.

427 Working with Digital Watercolor brushes. 428 Particle brushes.431 The New Brushes workspace layout.432 Gravity Particle brushes.432 Flow Particle brushes.435 Spring Particle brushes. 438 General Particle brush controls. 442 Info palettes. 447 Applying and adjusting flow maps.449 Getting started with flow maps.

449 Choosing flow maps and compatible brush variants.450 Enabling flow maps and controlling flow resistance. 452 Customizing flow maps.453 Hard Media. 457 Choosing a Hard Media variant.457 Modifying Hard Media profiles.460 Controlling the behavior of Hard Media variants. 462 Page: 14 Contents 13 Previewing Hard Media dabs.463 Markers. 465 Getting started with markers.465 Customizing markers. 467 Image hose.

469 Using the Image hose. 470 Adjusting Image hose opacity and grain. 471 Adjusting the size and spacing of image hose elements.473 Indexing nozzle files.474 Understanding nozzles, ranks, and indexing.476 Creating a 1-Rank nozzle. 479 Creating a 2-Rank nozzle. 481 Creating a 3-Rank nozzle.

483 Loading and managing nozzle files. 485 Creating a nozzle from a movie. 487 RealBristle brushes. 491 Getting started with RealBristle brushes. 492 Modifying RealBristle settings. 492 Liquid Ink. 497 Working with Liquid Ink brushes.497 Adjusting attributes of the Liquid Ink layer.498 Page: 15 14 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Using Liquid Ink controls.498 Impasto.

501 Applying, displaying, and clearing impasto.501 Adjusting and creating Impasto brushes.503 Adjusting Impasto lighting and depth.507 Blending impasto with other layers. 510 Layers. 513 Getting started with layers. 514 Displaying the Layers panel. 517 Creating and deleting layers.520 Converting selections into layers or floating objects.521 Naming and adding notes to layers.

523 Selecting layers.524 Copying and duplicating layers.526 Moving layers.528 Transforming layers.530 Aligning layers.532 Locking layers.533 Showing or hiding layers.533 Changing layer order.534 Viewing layer position. 536 Grouping layers.536 Dropping layers with the canvas. 539 Page: 16 Contents 15 Painting on layers.539 Preserving layer transparency.541 Adjusting layer opacity. 542 Adding drop shadows to layers.543 Blending layers by using composite methods.

543 Creating and deleting layer masks.552 Applying layer masks.554 Loading layer masks to selections.555 Selecting and viewing layer masks.555 Enabling and disabling layers masks.556 Copying layer masks.557 Inverting layer masks.557 Editing layer masks.558 Importing and exporting layers.558 Working with reference layers. 559 Storing layers as images in the Image Portfolio. 561 Alpha Channels. 563 Creating and copying channels.564 Generating channels automatically.

565 Importing and exporting alpha channels. 567 Selecting and viewing channels.567 Setting channel attributes. 570 Deleting and clearing channels.571 Page: 17 16 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Editing channels.571 Selections and transformations.577 Getting started with selections.578 Creating path-based selections. 580 Creating pixel-based selections. 583 Creating selections from layers. 586 Choosing the protected area of a selection.

588 Saving selections as alpha channels.588 Working with the Selection Portfolio. 592 Viewing selections.593 Inverting selections.594 Softening the edges of selections.594 Stroking selections.595 Modifying the borders of selections. 596 Expanding or contracting selections. 597 Adding to or subtracting from selections.

598 Preparing selections for transformations.600 Moving selections.600 Transforming a duplicate selection. 602 Scaling and rotating path-based selections.602 Skewing and distorting path-based selections. 604 Canceling transformations.

606 Page: 18 Contents 17 Common options for effects.609 Fading effects.609 Applying recently used effects.610 Changing effects with open panels. 611 Applying effects using source luminance.611 Using focus and esoterica effects. 613 Applying Smart Blur. 614 Applying Camera Motion Blur. 614 Applying Depth of Field. 615 Applying Glass Distortion. 618 Applying Motion Blur.622 Sharpening focus.623 Softening focus.

624 Applying Zoom Blur. 625 Applying Marbling.626 Automatically cloning an image. 628 Applying the Auto Van Gogh effect. 629 Applying Blobs. 630 Creating custom tiles.632 Applying Grid Paper. 636 Applying Growth effects.636 Applying Highpass.638 Page: 19 18 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Applying the Maze effect.639 Placing elements.640 Applying the Pop Art Fill effect. 642 Using lighting and surface texture effects.645 Applying preset lighting effects.646 Adding, deleting, and repositioning lights.647 Adjusting light properties.648 Using paper to create texture.649 Using 3D brushstrokes to create texture.650 Using image luminance to create texture.

651 Using clone source or pattern luminance to create texture. 652 Creating embossed effects.653 Using channels and layer masks to create texture.654 Creating reflection maps. 655 Adjusting texture lighting.657 Apply Surface Texture controls.659 Applying the Apply Screen effect. 660 Applying the Color Overlay effect.660 Applying the Dye Concentration effect.663 Applying the Express Texture effect. 666 Applying a warp effect.668 Applying the Woodcut effect.

670 Applying the Distress effect.672 Applying the Serigraphy effect. 674 Page: 20 Contents 19 Applying the Sketch effect. 676 Dynamic Plug-ins.679 Getting started with dynamic plug-ins.680 Modifying and deleting dynamic layers.

681 Committing dynamic layers to default layers. 681 Applying the Brightness and Contrast dynamic plug-in.682 Applying the Burn dynamic plug-in.683 Applying the Tear dynamic plug-in.684 Applying the Bevel World dynamic plug-in.686 Applying the Equalize dynamic plug-in.688 Applying the Glass Distortion dynamic plug-in. 690 Applying the Kaleidoscope dynamic plug-in.

691 Applying the Liquid Lens dynamic plug-in. 693 Applying the Liquid Metal dynamic plug-in. 698 Applying the Posterize dynamic plug-in.706 Patterns.

709 Applying pattern fills.709 Painting with patterns. 711 Creating and editing patterns.714 Creating seamless patterns. 717 Creating fractal patterns.719 Page: 21 20 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Gradients.723 Applying gradients. 723 Replacing image colors with gradient colors.726 Adjusting gradients.

727 Creating and editing gradients. 729 Saving gradients.733 Mosaics and tessellations.735 Creating a mosaic. 736 Selecting and removing tiles.739 Specifying tile and grout color. 741 Adjusting mosaic tile dimensions and randomness.742 Filling an area with tiles. 746 Creating 3D tiles. 747 Re-rendering mosaic tiles.748 Stroking and filling a selection with mosaic tiles.

749 Adding mosaic effects to an image.750 Creating tessellations.750 Weaves.757 Applying weaves.757 Editing and saving weaves. 759 Creating weave patterns.760 Using the Edit Weave dialog box. 761 Defining warp and weft expressions.763 Page: 22 Contents 21 Defining warp and weft color expressions.765 Designing the tie-up.766 Reference: Expression operators.768 Shapes.781 Getting started with shapes. 782 Drawing shapes.783 Drawing lines and curves. 785 Setting preferences for drawing shapes.789 Selecting a shape. 791 Modifying shape outlines and fills.792 Adding, deleting, and moving anchor points. 794 Adjusting curvature.

796 Cutting and joining shape segments. 798 Converting shapes to image layers.

800 Converting selections to shapes.801 Resizing, rotating, skewing, and flipping shapes.802 Duplicating shapes. 804 Combining shapes.805 Blending shapes. 806 Saving a shape outline as a selection. 808 Exporting Adobe Illustrator shapes.809 Page: 23 22 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Adding text.811 Adding text to images.811 Formatting text.812 Aligning text.813 Adjusting text kerning and leading.813 Stretching, rotating, and skewing text.814 Adding drop shadows to text.815 Applying effects to text.816 Applying curves to text.

817 Converting text layers.819 Dropping text.820 Working with animation and digital videos.821 Choosing an animation workflow.822 Creating frame-by-frame animation.823 Opening a Corel Painter movie.825 Importing QuickTime and AVI files. 826 Selecting movie frames.827 Editing frame content.

827 Applying effects to a single frame.827 Previewing animations.828 Using onion skinning. 829 Animating with layers. 830 Adding, deleting, and erasing frames.831 Page: 24 Contents 23 Repeating frames. 831 Inserting movies. 832 Rotoscoping. 833 Applying scripts to movies.833 Exporting movies as QuickTime. 835 Exporting movies as AVI.837 Importing and exporting numbered files.

838 Exporting animated GIFs. 839 Using scripts to automate tasks. 843 Getting started with scripts.

843 Displaying the Scripts panel.844 Recording and playing scripts.845 Enabling and playing background scripts. 847 Creating resolution-independent scripts.848 Editing, renaming, and deleting scripts. 849 Converting scripts to movies. 850 Importing and exporting scripts.

851 Importing and exporting script libraries.852 Creating and deleting script libraries. 853 Printing images.

855 Specifying the page layout and image size.855 Printing your work. 856 Page: 25 24 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Saving files in EPS format for printing.858 General notes on printing. 859 Notes for users of Adobe Photoshop.

861 Comparing terminology in Corel Painter and Adobe Photoshop.861 Comparing tools in Corel Painter and Adobe Photoshop. 862 Frequently asked questions from users of Adobe Photoshop.864 Setting preferences. 867 General preferences.867 Interface preferences. 869 Performance preferences. 871 Shapes preferences.873 Cloning preferences.874 Tablet preferences.875 Connections preferences.875 Web.877 Choosing web-safe colors.877 Posterizing using color sets. 878 Choosing web-friendly brushes.879 Creating transparent GIFs.880 Reducing the number of colors in GIF files.882 Creating image maps.

883 Creating server-side image maps. 885 Creating web page backgrounds.886 Page: 26 Contents 25 Creating web buttons.889 Index. 891 Page: 28 Welcome to Corel Painter 1 Welcome to Corel Painter Corel® Painter® 2015 is the ultimate digital art studio.

Its inventive drawing tools, realistic brushes, cloning capabilities, and customizable features let you expand your creative output in exciting new ways. When you use the pressure-sensitive brushes of Corel Painter, they become fluid extensions of your hand, so the resulting brushstrokes are unrivaled in texture and precision. What’s more, features such as the ability to build your own Natural-Media® brushes and customize how brushes interact with the canvas give you countless ways to develop your artistic ideas. Corel Painter takes you far beyond what’s possible in a traditional art environment.

This section contains the following topics:. “Using the documentation” (page 1). “Adjusting the Help window text size” (page 4). “Additional resources” (page 5). “Registration” (page 5). “Corel Cinco for Painter” (page 6). “Feedback” (page 7).

“About Corel Corporation” (page 7) Using the documentation The server-based Help gives you access to a full range of up-to-date topics in a searchable format. You need to have an active internet connection to access the server-based help. However, if you are working offline, you can access the local help file that is installed with Corel Painter.

Page: 29 2 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide The Help is also provided as a PDF file, which is available online. In addition, you can refer to the Corel Painter 2015 Getting Started Guide, which provides general overviews about Corel Painter features and presents the most commonly used procedures. Documentation conventions The following table describes the conventions used in the Help. Convention Description Example Mac OS and Windows commands Commands for Mac OS and Windows sometimes appear within the same procedural step, with the operating systems specified in parentheses. Hold down Command (Mac OS) or Ctrl (Windows).

Modifier keys (Command, Option, Ctrl, Alt) Names of modifier keys for Mac OS and Windows sometimes appear within the same procedural step, with the operating systems specified in parentheses. Command + I (Mac OS) or Ctrl + I (Windows) (For the Mac OS, press Command + I; for Windows, press Ctrl + I.) Menu commands (Choose X menu  menu item) You choose a menu name by clicking it, and then you click to choose a menu item from the list.

Choose File Quick Clone. Header bar A header bar is located at the top or side of some workspace components, such as the toolbox, property bar, and panels. Page: 30 Welcome to Corel Painter 3 Convention Description Example Panel tab The panel tab appears at the top of a panel. You can click a panel tab to expand that panel. Panel options menu Clicking the panel options menu button displays a pop-up menu with additional commands. Flyout Flyouts are containers shared by certain tools in the toolbox.

You can open a flyout by clicking and holding down the tool on the flyout that is displayed. By clicking and holding down the Layer Adjuster tool in the toolbox, you can display a flyout that includes the Transform tool. A note contains information that is important to the steps that precede it. Often, a note describes conditions under which the procedure can be performed. This command is available only if you have turned off a selection.

A tip contains suggestions related to the procedure. Some tips present alternative methods of performing the steps, or information about other benefits and uses of the procedure. You can choose a brush category and variant in the main application or in the Brush library panel. To access the Help. Choose Help Corel Painter 2015 Help (Mac OS) or Help Topics (Windows). Page: 31 4 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide To use the Help 1 Choose Help Corel Painter 2015Help (Mac OS) or Help topics (Windows).

2 Perform a task from the following table. To Do the following Browse through Help topics Click the Contents tab, and click a topic in the left pane.

Use the index Click the Index tab, and scroll through the entries to find a topic. Search the full text of the Help (Mac OS) Type a word or phrase in the Search box in the upper-right corner of the Help window, and press Return. (Windows) Click the Search tab, type a word or phrase in the box, and click Go. Note that the search feature does not support quotation marks. If you enclose the word or expression in quotation marks, the search will not produce any results. To access a PDF version of the Help.

Click the following link. Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Adjusting the Help window text size You can adjust the size of the text that displays in the Help window by adjusting the zoom level in your browser. Adjusting the zoom level quickly increases the size of all web page elements, including text and images. You can adjust zoom levels in Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Apple Help. Some browsers may offer additional controls for customizing the font size of the display text.

For more information, see the Help for your browser. To adjust the size of text in Firefox and Chrome. In the browser, do one of the following: Page: 32 Welcome to Corel Painter 5. To increase the zoom level, press Ctrl and + (Windows), or Command and + (Mac). To decrease the zoom level, press Ctrl and - or Command and - (Mac). To adjust the size of text in Internet Explorer.

In the Internet Explorer browser, do one of the following:. To increase the zoom level, press Ctrl and +. To decrease the zoom level, press Ctrl. To adjust the size of text in Apple Help.

In the Apple Help viewer, do one of the following:. To increase the zoom level, press Command and +. To decrease the zoom level, press Command.

Additional resources You can access additional Corel Painter resources online to learn more about the product and connect with the Corel Painter community. Resources To access Corel Painter website Corel Painter Tutorials Corel Painter on Twitter Corel Painter on Facebook Registration Registering Corel products is important. Registration provides you with timely access to the latest product updates, valuable information about product releases and access to free downloads. If you skipped the registration process when installing Corel Painter 2015, you can register at

Page: 33 6 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Corel Cinco for Painter Corel® Cinco™ for Painter® is a companion app that lets you control Painter remotely from your iPad by opening and using any custom palettes that you created in Corel Painter. You can download Corel Cinco for Painter from the Apple App Store. Corel Cinco for Painter lets you display only one custom palette at a time, but you can quickly switch between palettes. Corel Cinco for Painter displays five palette controls per screen.

If your custom palette includes more than five controls, you can swipe the screen to display the additional controls. The icons of the controls are conveniently positioned to match the shape of your hand so that each finger can quickly tap a control. Working with Corel Cinco for Painter allows you to extend your workspace and reduce onscreen clutter.

It can also replace traditional shortcut keys. To allow Corel Cinco for Painter to connect with Corel Painter, you need to enable the option in the Painter Preferences dialog box. To allow Corel Cinco for Painter to connect with Corel Painter 1 Do one of the following:. (Mac OS) Choose Corel Painter 2015 menu Preferences Connections. (Windows) Choose Edit Preferences Connections. Page: 34 Welcome to Corel Painter 7 2 Enable the Allow companion application to connect to Painter check box. 3 Type a name in the Service Name box to give your copy of Corel Painter a unique name.

We recommended that you do not enable the Allow companion applications to connect to Painter check box before the companion application is available. To use Corel Cinco for Painter with Corel Painter, you must have iTunes or Bonjour (Windows only) installed. You can also specify an Authentication Code to ensure that only a legitimate user can access your copy of Corel Painter from a remote application. Feedback We value any feedback that you may have about the product or the Help content. To provide feedback about a specific Help topic, scroll to the bottom of any Help topic and click the “Was this page helpful?” link.

About Corel Corporation Corel is one of the world’s top software companies, boasting some of the industry's best-known graphics, productivity and digital media products. We've built a reputation for giving customers more choice, and delivering solutions that are easy to learn and use. Our mission is simple: help people achieve new levels of creativity and productivity.

Corel’s product lines include CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite, Corel® Painter®, Corel® PaintShop® Pro, Corel® VideoStudio® and Corel® WordPerfect® Office. For more information on Corel, please visit

Page: 36 What’s new in Corel Painter 2015 9 What’s new in Corel Painter 2015 Corel Painter takes you far beyond what’s possible in a traditional art environment. This section contains the following topics about what’s new in Corel Painter 2015:. “Revolutionary digital brushes” (page 9). “Enhanced speed and performance” (page 11). “A fully responsive experience” (page 12). “Mobile art that moves you” (page 13). “What was new in earlier versions of Corel Painter” (page 13) Revolutionary digital brushes With the addition of Particle brushes and Jitter Smoothing, Corel Painter 2015 continues to push the envelope of digital art.

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Particle Brushes These new physics-inspired brushes produce rich, chaotic strokes by emitting particles from a central point that create lines and patterns as they move across the canvas. This revolutionary brush category allows a wide variety of artists to push their creative visions further, whether in photo art, illustration, concept art, traditional art, and more. There are three types of Particle brushes — Gravity, Flow and Springs — and each have their own set of behaviors. You can control a Particle brush variant by linking its behavior to a variety of real-time input Page: 37 10 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide factors, such as pressure, bearing, tilt or velocity.

Or you can let them run free, with beautiful, unpredictable results. You can quickly get to work with Particle brushes by choosing the New Brushes user interface arrangement, which displays all palettes and controls related to the Particle brushes. For more information, see “Particle brushes” on page 431. Particle brushes were used to create the sparks and wisps of smoke in this image. Artwork by Don Seegmiller Jitter Smoothing Corel Painter X3 saw the introduction of Universal Jitter, which allows you to add randomness to your brushstrokes by integrating the Jitter expression in a range of brush controls. The addition of Jitter Smoothing in Corel Painter 2015 helps you give your brushstrokes an even more natural, organic look. Page: 38 What’s new in Corel Painter 2015 11 Angle Jitter applied to a brushstroke without Jitter Smoothing (top) and with Jitter Smoothing (bottom).

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Opacity Jitter applied to a brushstroke without Jitter Smoothing (top) and with Jitter Smoothing (bottom) Enhanced speed and performance Speed and performance enhancements let you focus on your art and forget about technology. Native 64-bit application for Mac Users on the Mac OS will notice extended processing power right away, especially during operations that require big data transfers, such as opening files, switching clone sources, working with multiple layers, using large documents and more. Enhanced cross-platform performance Whether you're working on a Mac or a PC, you'll notice increased speed in Painter 2015. With the latest round of CPU performance optimizations, brushes perform faster, so you can concentrate on your art and forget about technology. Enhanced real-time effect preview Corel Painter 2015 takes the guesswork out of applying effects. You can now preview effects in real-time on the canvas so you instantly get an idea how the whole painting will look.

Page: 39 12 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Enhanced brush tracking Because each artist uses a different strength or pressure level in a stroke, the enhanced Brush Tracking utility helps calculate the appropriate settings for pressure and velocity. The new visual power curve helps you control universal application pressure-sensitive memory and instantly apply the settings to the current brush variant. There are default pressure curves to choose from, or you can tweak the curve and save it as a preset. You can also make practice strokes with a variant on the canvas while you’re calibrating the brush tracking so you can draw from with the most realistic, accurate brushstroke information possible. For more information, see “Brush tracking and calibration” on page 126. A fully responsive experience Based on user feedback, Corel Painter 2015 offers you new streamlined ways to work as well as updated content. Custom user-interface palette arrangements Inspired by Painter artists, this collection of new pre-defined user-interface arrangements is designed to kick-start a variety of digital-art workflows by displaying only the relevant palettes and tools.

There’s one for illustrating, creating photo art, and getting started with the revolutionary new Particle brushes. There’s even one that displays only minimal UI, freeing up space for tablet users. For more information, see “Choosing a workspace layout” on page 29. The New Brushes arrangement displays everything you need to use the Particle Brushes.

Artwork by Mike Thompson Page: 40 What’s new in Corel Painter 2015 13 Fresh new content You can add an extra special touch to your artwork with new, freshly inspirational papers, nozzles, images, patterns, weaves, gradients and more. Some of the updates are designed specifically for different types of digital artists, so whether you're an illustrator or photo artist, you can be sure to find compelling content to work with. Mobile art that moves you Corel Painter 2015 lets you paint on the go, so you can create anytime, anywhere. Real-Time Stylus and Windows Tablet PC support You can combine your Tablet PC with Windows Real-Time Stylus support to capture whatever inspires you on the fly. Support for the Windows Real-Time Stylus delivers truly responsive pressure-sensitivity, and depending on the device, tilt. What’s more, there’s no stylus driver to install, so you can use Corel Painter 2015 right away. For more information, see “Support for tablets and other devices” on page 93.

Real-Time Stylus and Windows Tablet PC support let you create art on the go. Painter Mobile for Android The Painter Mobile for Android app gives you the ability to paint anywhere, anytime. When it's time to finalize your work, you can import it directly into Painter 2015 to add professional finishing touches.

What was new in earlier versions of Corel Painter This topic describes what was new in earlier versions of Corel Painter. Page: 41 14 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide What was new in Corel Painter X3? If you are migrating to Corel Painter 2015 from Update 2 of Corel Painter 12, you may not be aware of the features and enhancements that were added in Corel Painter X3. These features and enhancements are also available in Corel Painter 2015. A platform for inspiration, creativity, and reflection Brush search Helps you find the perfect brush by performing a search.

Simply type in the name of the brush variant or a combination of brush properties, such as jitter or bristle, to narrow down the search. To find all of the new brush variants that were added in Corel Painter 2015, type in “14,” “X4,” or “2015” in the Search bar. For more information, see “Searching and selecting brushes” on page 304. Reference Image panel Lets you display an inspirational image in an easy to use, dockable panel. You can zoom, pan, and sample colors from the reference image while maintaining focus on your digital painting.

For more information, see “Displaying reference images” on page 133. Enhanced stroke preview Offers a more detailed preview of the brushstroke that will appear on the canvas in real-time.

The preview now visually represents brush parameters such as mixing, erasing, blending, and jitter. The brush preview displays in the Brush library panel, Brush search results panel, and the Stroke Preview brush control panel. For more information, “Previewing brushstrokes and brush dabs” on page 329. Page: 42 What’s new in Corel Painter 2015 15 Inspirational Mixer Pads Lets you choose colors from a collection of original mixer pads that were created for you by expert Corel Painter artists. For more information, see “Displaying and resizing the Mixer panel” on page 228.

The innovator in digital art Jitter brushes Produces more realistic brushstrokes by introducing an increased amount of randomness. The Jitter brush variants are found under various brush categories. For more information, see “Jitter brushes” on page 419. Universal Jitter Allows you to control the randomness of various brush features, such as size, angle, and opacity.

You can now use Jitter in conjunction with a different expression. For more information, see “Controlling the behavior of Jitter variants” on page 422.

Minimum controls Allows you to introduce a range of variation to a selected expression. You can apply minimum values for brush controls such as Size and Opacity. For more information, “Expression settings” on page 327. Additional Flow Maps, Patterns, and Papers Includes a greater variety of Flow Maps, Patterns, Papers that you can use in your paintings.

Easier to learn and use Page: 43 16 Corel Painter 2015 User Guide Smart Brush Settings with added media panel (Advanced Brush Controls) Provides you with a more intuitive way of modifying the advanced brush controls of a selected brush. For more information, see “Displaying advanced brush controls dynamically” on page 310. Perspective Guides Allows you to accurately draw in one, two or three-point perspective by using preset guides. The Perspective-Guided Strokes constrain your strokes to direct them towards the vanishing points. This feature replaces the Perspective Grid feature. For more information, “Using Perspective Guides” on page 203.

Enhanced Cloning Reintroduces the traditional side-by-side cloning workflow and lets you view the crosshair cursor on your source image to increase painting accuracy. In addition, you now have the ability to edit the source image. For example, you can apply various effects to the source image.

For more information, see “Cloning images” on page 167. And “Editing, updating, saving, and exporting clone source images” on page 174. Transform across layers Allows you to apply transformations to multiple layers and layer groups simultaneously. For more information, “Transforming layers” on page 530. Set maximum colors for color sets Lets you specify a maximum number of colors when creating new color sets.

For more information, see “Creating and exporting color sets” on page 237. Show Onion Skin layers Allows you to display underlying frames when working with movies. Page: 44 What’s new in Corel Painter 2015 17 For more information, see “Using onion skinning” on page 829. Performance Memory Extender Lets you take advantage of more of your Mac systems’s available RAM by letting you control how much RAM you want to designate to Painter.

This features was introduced in Painter 12.2.1. For more information, see “Performance preferences” on page 871. Changes to the brush control panels In Corel Painter X3, a number of brush controls panels were more logically organized to better reflect the structure of the Corel Painter brush engine. The following table maps the Corel Painter 12 brush control panels to the Corel Painter X3 brush control panels. For more information about the brush control panels that include the new Jitter controls, see “Controlling the behavior of Jitter variants” on page 422.

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