Walmart Employee Handbook Pdf

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Animal Welfare - Swine Assurance Position At Walmart and Sam’s Club we are committed to providing our customers with safe, affordable, and sustainable food as well as promoting the humane treatment of animals. We seek continuous improvement in animal welfare practices within our fresh pork supply chain. As a result, in addition to our current programs, Walmart and Sam’s Club are launching a new tracking and audit program for our fresh pork supply. Every fresh pork supplier will be required to meet the new program requirements. Walmart and Sam’s Club will continue to only accept fresh pork from animals raised under the standards of the National Pork Board’s (NPB’s) Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) Plus Program. Specific new tracking and audit requirements include:. Each fresh pork supplier must have on-farm video monitoring for sow farms and will be subject to unannounced animal welfare video audits by an accredited and independent third-party.

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  2. Walmart Employee Handbook Pdf 2016

Implementation of video monitoring on sow farms must be complete on 20% of production supplied to Walmart and Sam’s Club on sow farms by the end of 2014, with another 20% of production added each year for the next 4 years. This will result in 100% coverage by the end of 2018. Until all farms have video monitoring, an accredited and independent third-party will conduct annual on-site audits on farms without the technology. Farms will be given 72 hours notice.

Walmart Employee Handbook 2017. Copies of the Employee Handbook are available online through the Human Resources website, the Human Resources department, and in campus libraries. Programs for high school and international. Chrome uses a built-in viewer to present PDF documents by default. Some advanced features used in our PDF forms may. Buy EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK at EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK. A hilarious guide to employee behavior and code of conduct with a special personal twist from.

Each fresh pork supplier must implement an internal annual animal welfare audit for all farms that includes a grading system and corrective action tracking. This must occur at all farms. These audits must be done by PQA Plus-certified personnel and must include annual audits and probable abuse audits. These audits will be done with 72 hours notice.

The supplier must retain records on the audit results, including the grade, corrective actions and PQA Plus certification number. Each supplier must make the documentation and results of the tracking and audit program available to Walmart as requested, but not less than twice annually. Walmart and Sam’s Club will work with suppliers to determine an acceptable level of required performance after a benchmark is determined based on the supplier information. In addition, Walmart and Sam’s Club will make the following NPB PQA Plus program requirements mandatory:. Each supplier must not only ensure that key management personnel are PQA Plus Certified but also require each production site to ensure that key management personnel that handle pigs are PQA Plus Certified. Each site must participate in the NPB third-party verification pool. At Walmart and Sam’s Club we value our relationships with US pork producers who are dedicated to providing the highest in quality and safety through practices that promote animal well-being.

Our goal is to build more transparency and confidence in the fresh pork supply chain and in the pork industry overall through the above program. Animal Welfare Position Sustainable Products at Walmart and Sam’s Club Our Pledge to Customers/Members Our customers and members count on Walmart and Sam’s Club to deliver affordable products in a way that is sustainable for people and for the planet.

Walmart Employee Handbook Pdf

To meet those needs, we work with partners all along the supply chain to improve the sustainability of products we sell. We do this while working to offer quality products, everyday low prices and putting customers in charge of their food choices by helping provide clear, accurate information about food ingredients and production. Farm Animal Welfare Farm animals provide an important and nutritious source of protein. There is growing public interest in how food is produced and consumers have questions about whether current practices match their values and expectations about the well-being of farm animals. Animal science plays a central role in guiding these practices, but does not always provide clear direction.

Increasingly, animal welfare decisions are being considered through a combination of science and ethics. And Sam’s Club U.S.

Position We recognize that farm animals play an important role in providing nutritious meat, dairy and eggs to our customers and members. We believe that farm animals in our supply chain should be treated humanely throughout their lives and that the welfare of farm animals should be considered in selection of all production systems, practices and technologies. And Sam’s Club U.S. Are committed to continuous improvement in the welfare of farm animals in our supply chain. First, we expect that our suppliers will not tolerate animal abuse of any kind. Second, we support the globally-recognized “Five Freedoms” of animal welfare as an aspiration for animal welfare in our supply chain:.

Freedom from Hunger and Thirst – by providing ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigor. Freedom from Discomfort – by providing appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area. Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease – by ensuring prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment. Freedom to Express Normal Behavior – by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind. Freedom from Fear and Distress – by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering. Third, we will work with our supply chain partners to implement practices consistent with the Five Freedoms of animal welfare.

What we’re asking of our suppliers We’re asking Walmart U.S. And Sam’s Club U.S. Fresh and frozen meat, deli, dairy and egg suppliers to:.

Report to authorities and take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action in any cases of animal abuse. Adopt and implement the principles of the Five Freedoms in their own operations and industry producer programs, and publish a corporate policy on animal welfare. Find and implement solutions to address animal welfare concerns including, but not limited to: a. Housing systems that lack sufficient space, enrichment or socialization (for example, sow gestation crates, hen battery cages and veal crates); b. Painful procedures where avoidable or without pain management (for example, tail docking, de-horning and castration); c. Euthanasia or slaughter without rendering an animal insensible to pain 2.

Promote transparency by providing an animal welfare report to Walmart and publicly reporting against their animal welfare policy on an annual basis. 2 Except where prohibited by dietary restriction. Antibiotics in Farm Animals Position Sustainable Products at Walmart and Sam’s Club Our Pledge to Customers/Members Our customers and members count on Walmart and Sam’s Club to deliver affordable products in a way that is sustainable for people and for the planet. To meet those needs, we work with partners all along the supply chain to improve the sustainability of products we sell. We do this while working to offer quality products, everyday low prices and putting customers in charge of their food choices by helping provide clear, accurate information about food ingredients and production. Antibiotics in Agriculture Antibiotics are used in farm animals to treat, control and prevent disease and to promote growth. In the United States, antibiotics must be approved as safe and effective by the U.S.

Food and Drug Administration. Many antibiotics used in animals are also used in human medicine, and are categorized by the World Health Organization as “medically-important antimicrobials.” Antibiotics are a critical and scarce resource and their misuse may lead to antibiotic-resistance in bacteria, making human and animal disease more difficult to treat. According to the World Health Organization, Antibiotic resistance is a serious and growing threat to global public health.

And Sam’s Club U.S. Position We expect our suppliers to help protect the integrity of the food we sell by complying with all federal, state and local regulatory requirements as well as Walmart food safety standards. We recognize that antibiotics are one of many critical tools used to keep animals healthy and that they should be used responsibly to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine. Responsible use begins with the adoption and implementation of judicious use principles, such as those developed by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Judicious use includes disease prevention strategies, appropriate veterinary oversight, accurate record-keeping and careful review before antibiotics are used. Furthermore, we believe that antibiotics should only be used for medical purposes (treatment, control and prevention of disease) and not for growth promotion. Finally, antibiotics should be used transparently to build accountability and public trust in the food system.

We support public reporting of antibiotic use. We also support consistency of on-pack product claims in order to ensure clarity and usefulness of information to our customers and members. What we’re asking of our suppliers We’re asking Walmart U.S. And Sam’s Club U.S.

Fresh and frozen meat, seafood, deli, dairy and egg suppliers to: 1. Comply with all federal, state and local regulatory requirements as well as Walmart food safety standards. Adopt and implement American Veterinary Medical Association Judicious Use Principles of Antimicrobials in their own operations and in their industry producer programs, including but not limited to: a. Disease prevention strategies; b.

Appropriate veterinary oversight; c. Accurate records of treatment and outcomes; d. Careful review before antibiotics are used; and e. Limit medical antibiotic use to ill or at-risk animals.

Adopt and implement U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Voluntary Guidance for Industry #209 (Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs) in their own operations and in their industry producer programs, including elimination of growth promotion uses of medically-important antibiotics.

Eliminate growth promotion uses of all antibiotics. Promote transparency by providing an antibiotics management report to Walmart and publicly reporting antibiotic use on an annual basis. Except ionophores, consistent with European classification of ionophores as non-antibiotics. California B & P Code #22435 California B & P Code #22435 prohibits the unauthorized possession or removal of shopping carts from WALMART Stores and Sam’s Club premises.

If a WALMART or Sam’s Club shopping cart is found off the store/club premises, please call 1-800-WALMART for cart pickup. Conflict Minerals Policy The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has adopted rules requiring publicly traded companies to report on products they manufacture or contract to manufacture that contain tin, tantalum, tungsten or gold (“3TG” or “conflict minerals”) mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and adjoining countries (“DRC Countries”) under circumstances that contribute to or support human rights violations. As a member of the Retail Industry Leaders Association’s (RILA’s) Conflict Minerals Program Executive Committee, we have partnered with other retailers to produce training materials and tailor the questionnaire originally developed by the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) to be more specific to retail suppliers. We have also engaged third party firms with specialized experience in various aspects of conflict minerals to assist Walmart in the development and implementation of our program, which includes due diligence activities consistent with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines. Walmart understands that awareness and cooperation among its supply chain participants is essential to any responsible sourcing initiative. By holding product suppliers accountable for the principles in this policy, Walmart believes its conflict minerals program will help drive necessary transparency in the supply chain and further the ultimate goal of ending armed conflict in the DRC.

Walmart expects its product suppliers to actively support Walmart’s conflict minerals compliance efforts by: adopting responsible mineral sourcing policies in dealing with their supply chains that are consistent with this policy and the OECD guidance,. supplying products to Walmart that do not contain 3TG minerals that have been sourced under circumstances that contribute to or support human rights violations in the DRC, and.

providing evidence to support their representations as to the conflict minerals status of their products upon request. More information about the efforts of the RILA Conflict Minerals Program can be found at.

Coupon Policy Updated: November 10, 2017 This policy applies to all properties owned or operated by Walmart Inc., or one of its subsidiary companies (excluding Sam’s Club locations) in the United States (Walmart). Manufacturer Coupon Policy To help our customers save money and live better, we gladly accept valid paper manufacturer coupons issued by manufacturers of products that Walmart sells. These paper manufacturer coupons must scan at the register and must not be expired in accordance with the following guidelines. Coupon Guidelines - Walmart accepts the following Manufacturer Coupons. Accept only one paper manufacturer coupon per item.

Walmart will follow the manufacturer’s limitations as stated on the coupon. Example: 4 coupons for the same item. There is no limit on the number of coupons (variety) that can be used in a total transaction. All coupons require the following information printed on them. 'Manufacturer Coupon'. A GS1 barcode that can be scanned.

A valid remit billing address for the manufacturer of the product being purchased. A valid expiration date and must be presented before expiration. Walmart accepts Dollars/Cents Off coupons and BOGO (Buy One Get One Free). All coupons must be presented to the cashier at the time of purchase. Coupons cannot be applied after the transaction is completed or to previous purchases. Items purchased must match the coupon description (brand, size, quantity, color, flavor, etc.).

Acceptance of unmatched coupons is against policy and will be denied. Coupons must scan at the register, as the GS1 on the coupon validates to a master file. Coupons are void if copied, scanned, altered, transferred, purchased, sold, or as prohibited by law. The coupon value will be applied to the price of an item allowing any overageto be applied to the transaction total. In select instances, Walmart may give cash after overages are applied to the transaction total (remaining basket). SNAP items purchased in a SNAP transaction are applied to the basket purchase and are ineligible for cash back.

WIC items purchased in a WIC transaction are applied to the basket purchase and may not be eligible for cash back. Refer to state specific WIC guidelines. Walmart reserves the right to limit quantities to ‘typical retail purchases’ except in states where it is prohibited (NM). Internet (Print-at-Home) Coupons. We gladly accept valid, internet manufacturer coupons for the manufacturer’s items with a GS1 barcode that scans at our register and are not expired. We do not accept internet coupons for free items with no purchase requirements.

Internet coupons that display characteristics below will not be accepted:. Blurry. Out of proportion. Do not scan properly. Appear to be altered in any way Buy One Get One Free Coupons (BOGO). BOGO manufacturer coupons cannot be combined by using a 2nd manufacturer BOGO coupon on the 2nd item (i.e.


You cannot use two BOGO manufacturer coupons on two items and get both for free). Unless stated otherwise on the coupon, the use of one Buy One Get One Free coupon requires that two of the valid items are presented at checkout of which one item will be charged to the customer at the full price and the 2nd item will be discounted by its full retail price. A BOGO manufacturer coupon and a Dollar/Cent Off coupon cannot be combined (i.e.

You cannot use a BOGO coupon and a Dollar/Cent Off coupon on two items). Unless stated otherwise on the coupon, the use of one Buy One Get One Free coupon requires that two of the valid items are presented at checkout of which one item will be charged to the customer at the full price and the 2nd item will be discounted by its full retail price. Walmart does not accept BOGO manufacturer coupons with a percentage (i.e. Buy the first item at full price get 50% off the 2nd item). Returns. Returns of items purchased using Manufacturer Coupons may receive the coupon value returned in the original form of tender, thus providing the full purchase price back to the customer.

Coupons will not be given back upon return of the merchandise. Walmart reserves the right to decline the return of items purchased with manufacturer coupons. Exclusions.

Walmart does not accept (mobile) digital coupons, (example: coupons scanned off a mobile phone). Walmart does not accept expired coupons.

Walmart does not accept counterfeit coupons (VISA, MC, AMEX, Applebee’s or any coupons made by a third party. Walmart does not accept vouchers or gift certificates. Walmart reserves the right to not accept UPC-A coupon barcodes. Walmart reserves the right not to accept manufacturer coupons with no matching requirements (e.g. 992 family code). Acceptance of unmatched manufacturer coupons to the correct purchase item is against policy and the coupon will be denied.

Walmart does not accept competitor /retailer coupons. Walmart does not accept bottle caps for redemption. Walmart does not honor double or triple coupons. Disclaimer. In select circumstances a register prompt will occur during coupon transactions that require a CSM or Management to validate the manufacturer coupon(s).

In all situations, we reserve the right to refuse, or limit the use of any coupon and/or the subsequent return for any reason, including if the customer behavior becomes disruptive (reoccurring) or the items are deemed not to be for the purpose of using or gifting. Store Management has the final decision in taking care of the customer. Walmart will work with the appropriate law enforcement authorities to prosecute individuals using counterfeit coupons or using coupons inappropriately. Walmart reserves the right to update or modify the terms of the OP-41 Manufacturer Coupon Policy and it’s strategies at any time. Contacts For further guidance, contact:. Store Manager. Market Manager.

Walmart Store Support 700-WALMART Cage-Free Egg Supply Position Walmart U.S. And Sam’s Club U.S. Are committed to continuous improvement and aspire to achieve the globally-recognized “Five Freedoms” of animal welfare for farm animals in our supply chain. To meet this aspiration for our egg supply, we are working alongside our suppliers on a comprehensive set of welfare priorities for laying hens. Welfare issues are complex and management is needed across a number of attributes. In an effort to provide sustainable and high quality products for our customers, we adopt the following position on eggs in our supply chain:.

We will require that 100% of our shell egg supply, indiscriminate of production system, be certified and fully compliant with United Egg Producers (UEP) Animal Husbandry Guidelines or equivalent standard. This includes, but is not limited to: a. Only non-feed withdrawal molt methods permitted b. Adherence to guidelines on beak trimming, handling and euthanasia c.

Requirements for cage-free systems, as applicable, including: i. An enriched environment including nests, perches and litter ii. Minimum space of 1.0 square foot per hen d. Annual third party audit to be conducted by USDA/AMS or Validus (as approved by UEP). By 2025, our goal is to transition to a 100% cage-free egg supply chain, subject to regulatory changes and based on available supply, affordability and customer demand.

We challenge our suppliers to use selective breeding, innovation and best management practices to improve the health and welfare of laying hens. This includes improving mortality rates and reducing painful procedures like beak trimming.

We will be tracking continuous improvement against these metrics as part of our Sustainability Index. Deforestation Policy UPDATED: November 12, 2017 Sustainable Products at Walmart Our customers count on Walmart to deliver affordable products in a way that is sustainable for people and for the planet, through actions that build transparency and trust. We work with others, including suppliers, NGOs, and governments, all along the supply chain to help improve the sustainability of products we sell. We do this while aiming to offer quality products at affordable prices with a time-saving shopping experience.

Sustainable Forests Walmart recognizes the important role of healthy forests for society, as well as for our business. Forests provide numerous benefits to people and the planet: a home for people that live in forests, habitat for a vast number of species, carbon storage, and water flow regulation and purification.

Forests are directly responsible for 1 in 4 people’s livelihoods, they are important sources for products like paper and furniture, and they provide fundamental environmental services that people and agriculture depend upon. 1 As the global population increases, Walmart believes that changes to sourcing and production of products are necessary in order to continue to meet the expectations of our customers and to help preserve forests as a resource.

Walmart’s Position Walmart understands that our aspiration to deliver more sustainable products means leveraging our position as a trusted retailer and brand to help protect forests and biodiversity, while working to reduce our carbon footprint. We believe we can deliver the greatest impact by creating a higher demand for zero net deforestation products, supporting and enabling transparency, and investing in sustainable sourcing regions.

As a member of the Consumer Goods Forum, we supported the resolution to achieve zero net deforestation in our supply chain by 2020. In 2015, we also joined public and private sector leaders and signed onto the New York Declaration on Forests. In furtherance of these public commitments, and as described below, Walmart is focusing on four key commodities that, according to the World Economic Forum, are responsible for more than 70% of global deforestation in tropical forests: palm oil, pulp and paper, beef, and soy. 2 Although we are focused on these four commodities for 2020, we recognize that additional production types also contribute to deforestation such as other food types, lumber and forest-based fabrics.

We encourage our suppliers of these types of products to work to source products produced with zero net deforestation as well. We ask suppliers to avoid ancient and endangered forests, to encourage conservation solutions, and to increase recycled content. Walmart recognizes that no company can solve deforestation on its own and that we must leverage our ability to promote sustainable agricultural production and sourcing beyond our private brands, and even beyond our retail supply chain.

We recognize the importance of collaboration with our suppliers, our peers, governments and NGOs to address deforestation and promote sustainable production at an industry level. This will require new approaches and solutions at both the jurisdictional and landscape level that drive results on the ground by engaging both governments, to improve policy and increase scale, as well as the market with clear demand signals for more sustainable products.

We will publicly share our progress annually in our Global Responsibility Report and will continue to engage in the development of public disclosure tools and reports. Key Commodities Palm Oil Palm oil is an ingredient in a variety of food and consumer products, and is also widely used as cooking oil in many parts of the world. According to the World Wildlife Fund, high demand for palm oil has contributed to deforestation, which increases the amount of greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere through burning of forested lands, and leads to the loss of natural habitat of endangered species and conflict over land and natural resources.

3 To address these and related issues in the palm oil supply chain, stakeholders created the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) to develop and maintain global standards for sustainable palm oil. Walmart’s Goal By 2020, Walmart’s aim is that private brand products with palm oil will be sourced with zero net deforestation in accordance with the principles and criteria of the RSPO, or equivalent, standards. Our Approach We ask our global private brand suppliers to:. Source and use palm oil in accordance with the principles and criteria of the RSPO (mass balance and segregated supply chain systems), or equivalent standards, in 100% of Walmart private brand products by the end of 2020. Engage with the RSPO standards review process to improve the existing standard to sufficiently cover guarding against the expansion into high carbon stock forests, protecting peat lands, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving quality control.

Maintain (and make available upon request) comprehensive records about the volume of crude palm oil and verification of sustainable palm oil used in Walmart private brand products on an annual basis, as well as disclosing the origin (geographic region, country, state/province, plantation, and trader) by 2020 We also encourage our national brand suppliers to improve their palm oil sourcing practices in accordance with the RSPO. Walmart will continue to advocate, alongside the RSPO, NGOs, suppliers and others, to make zero net deforestation the norm in the industry – including encouraging a multi-stakeholder approach to strengthen current standards.

Pulp and Paper Products According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) forty percent of the world’s annual industrial wood harvest is processed into paper and paperboard. 4 Sustainable sourcing of these products is important to foster forest health and to secure availability of forest resources into the future. Sustainable forest management protects biodiversity, High Conservation Value (HV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) areas, enhances ecosystem functions and water quality and quantity, helps prevent conversion of natural forests to plantations or other land uses, helps promote indigenous peoples’ and worker rights, and mitigates greenhouse gas emissions.

Walmart’s Goal By 2020, Walmart’s goal is that private brand products made of pulp and paper will be sourced with zero net deforestation. Walmart aims to implement sustainable pulp and paper procurement practices that promote sustainable management, conservation, protection and restoration of the world’s forests. Our primary focus is on products containing pulp and paper from wood fiber, since it is the predominant material used in the creation of our paper products. Our Approach We ask our global private brand suppliers to:. Proactively conduct risk assessment to understand forest fiber sources and species used, and transition supply away from higher risk sources to certified and recycled sources.

Source virgin fiber from sources certified to internationally recognized forest, fiber, and chain-of-custody certification standards. We expect suppliers to be able to track and report the origin of their fiber raw materials. We recognize Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Sustainable Forest Initiative (SFI) and Program for Forest Endorsement (PEFC) certification programs, with preference for FSC certification – especially in high priority countries 5 – when it is available in quantities, performance characteristics and prices that meet our suppliers’ needs.

Work to increase the use of recycled content where feasible. The use of recycled fiber has reached high levels in some paper grades, but there are still opportunities to increase recycled fiber usage where technical and quality specifications allow. Maintain (and make available upon request) comprehensive records about the volume of pulp and paper products and certification status of fiber and recycled content used in Walmart private brand products, as well as the country of origin and wood species used to make the fiber. Brazilian Beef Beef production is the leading driver of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest and the Cerrado, a wooded savannah south and east of the Amazon. 6 These areas are two of the most bio-diverse biomes in the world, and play critical roles in the global climate.

Target Employee Handbook

7 Brazil is the second largest producer of beef and the top global exporter since 2004. 8,9 The growth of the cattle sector and shift in regions of production in Brazil has had an increasing impact on the Amazon and Cerrado, leading to increased deforestation levels. 10 Walmart’s Goal By 2020, Walmart plans to source fresh beef from Brazil that has zero net deforestation. Walmart also aims to increase transparency and monitoring in the Brazilian beef industry while helping to promote productivity increases on existing cattle lands that meet sustainable grassland management, conservation, protection, and restoration expectations. Walmart will continue to advocate, alongside the CGF, NGOs, suppliers and others, to make zero net deforestation the norm in the industry. Our Approach We ask all fresh beef suppliers sourcing from Brazil to:.

Source and use only beef that has been produced with zero net deforestation across all sensitive biomes in Brazil by the end of 2020: the Amazon, the Cerrado, and other sensitive biomes; report traceability of the beef chain through Walmart’s Brazil Beef Monitoring System to undergo geospatial mapping for risk assessment (slaughterhouse and full farm traceability - including direct and indirect farms). Maintain (and make available upon request) comprehensive records about the volume of fresh beef and verification of zero net deforestation beef sold to Walmart, as well as the origin (slaughterhouse name and location, full farm traceability with names and locations, and date of slaughter). Brazilian Soy Soy is prevalent in our food products. According to WWF, about 75% of the world’s soy production is fed to livestock. 11 Additionally, more than 60% of processed foods have soy as an ingredient.

Walmart Employee Handbook Pdf 2016

According to CGF, 12 the world is projected to consume 70 to 80 million metric tons of additional soybeans annually over the next 10 years. 13 Soy is a crop that has been associated with the conversion of some of the most species-rich lands in the world, leading to serious deforestation. 14 With soy demand increasing, it is important to both increase the productivity of soy and achieve zero net deforestation from soy production. Brazil produces 30% of global soy and is the world’s largest soybean exporter. Brazilian soy exports are projected to increase by 35% by 2025. 15 Walmart’s Goal By 2020, soy sourced from Brazil is expected to be sourced with zero net deforestation. Walmart supports the indefinite extension of the Soy Moratorium in Brazil’s Amazon region.

Additionally, Walmart actively supports regional agreements regarding zero net deforestation in additional high risk biomes. This includes multi-stakeholder and government engagement in critical higher-risk regions, such as the Amazon, the Cerrado, and the Gran Chaco to achieve zero net deforestation at the regional level with geospatial monitoring. Our Approach We ask all suppliers selling soy or products that have a soy ingredient or feed to:. Maintain a footprint analysis to identify sourcing from higher-risk regions: the Amazon, the Cerrado; and other sensitive biomes. Source and use only soy that has been produced with zero net deforestation across all sensitive biomes in Brazil by the end of 2020; report traceability of soy chain with geospatial mapping for risk assessment. (Crushing plant level traceability with credible soy basin definition).

Maintain (and make available upon request) comprehensive records about the volume of soy and verification of zero net deforestation soy sold to Walmart, as well as the origin (crushing plant and soy basin name and location). 1 2 34 5“High priority countries” are as defined by the Consumer Goods Forum: Indonesia (fiber source), Malaysia (wood chips source), China (fiber source and trader), Thailand (fiber source), and Colombia (fiber source). 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Environmental Sustainability Statement Our Approach to Sustainability In 2006, Walmart set out three aspirational goals tied to sustainability: create zero waste, operate with 100 percent renewable energy; and sell products that sustain our resources and the environment. Since that time Walmart has periodically set specific targets aimed at moving the company towards these aspirational goals. Walmart is working within our own operations and with suppliers to make progress on these targets.

Walmart recognizes having environmental commitments without measuring our progress towards achieving them is not useful. Therefore, Walmart prefers to set measurable targets and publicly report progress on an annual basis in Walmart’s Global Responsibility Report, a copy of which can be found. In addition to the specific updates found in the Global Responsibility Report, key tenants of our environmental sustainability program are highlighted below.

Compliance with Laws At a minimum, Walmart is committed to complying with applicable environmental, health and safety (EH&S) laws and other requirements in the countries where we operate. Walmart has established programs and procedures designed to meet our compliance obligations. Stakeholder Consultation on Environmental Sustainability Initiatives Walmart seeks to go beyond compliance to shape its sustainability commitments and programs. To achieve this goal, Walmart works with a broad group of stakeholders to advise and shape its environmental sustainability programs.

These stakeholders include customers, associates, NGOs, government officials, investors, suppliers, farmers, academics, think tanks, peer companies, grantees and others. By consulting and collaborating with individuals and organizations with broad viewpoints on important issues, Walmart can better form and implement beneficial environmental policies. Promoting Environmental Responsibility in Our Value Chain Walmart is committed to working with our diverse value chain to promote environmental sustainability. For example, Walmart launched Project Gigaton and has asked suppliers to join us in our efforts to remove 1 billion metric tons (Gigaton) of GHG from our value chain by 2030. Through Project Gigaton, Walmart is working with suppliers to help them make meaningful changes that reduce carbon emissions through the six key pillars of Project Gigaton: Energy, Waste, Packaging, Agriculture, Deforestation, and Product Use. We also work to drive change through engagement of suppliers through the Sustainability Index, a third-party tool that was developed to provide visibility into environmental practices and outcomes for a large number of supply chains. Commitment to Reduce Emissions and Waste in Walmart’s Operations As we encourage and support suppliers in their efforts to be more sustainable, we realize we must do our part as well.

Walmart aims to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions 18% by 2025, from 2015 levels. As part of that effort, Walmart is working to power 50 percent of our operations with renewable energy by the end of 2025. Additionally, Walmart set a goal to achieve zero waste to landfill from our own operations in key markets, including the U.S., U.K., Japan, and Canada by 2025 in accordance with Zero Waste International Alliance guidelines.

1 Support and Promote the Development of Transformation Technologies to Make Change Possible Walmart has long supported innovative technologies that make our operations more sustainable. From being one of the first retailers to move to LED lighting, solar installations, high efficiency bathroom fixtures, smart cooling towers and other transformational technologies, we have also led the way in trucking fleet efficiency by utilizing cutting-edge aerodynamic designs and installing idle reduction systems on our trucks. Walmart is committed to continue working internally and with suppliers to develop and deploy innovative technologies that are designed to reduce our impact on the environment. 1Meeting or exceeding Zero Waste International Alliance busi.

SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND WAL-MART STORES, INC. BACKGROUND 1.This Settlement Agreement (Agreement) is made and entered into between the United States of America (United States) and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. This Agreement resolves an investigation of Wal-Mart conducted by the United States Department of Justice (United States) under title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 12181, et seq. The United States initiated this investigation after it received several complaints alleging that Wal-Mart discriminated against people with disabilities by failing to make reasonable modifications to rules, policies, and procedures at Wal-Mart stores nationwide. In particular, several complainants alleged that Wal-Mart denied equal access to its stores for people with disabilities who use service animals; at least five complainants alleged a failure to provide disability-related assistance, two complainants alleged that Wal-Mart denied equal access by failing to make reasonable modifications in order to accept payment by people with disabilities at different stores; and one complainant alleged that a Wal-Mart auto service department denied him equal access to its services because he was deaf and did not have a cellular telephone. The United States' investigation was conducted under the authority granted by title III of the ADA, 42 U.S.C.

§ 12188(b)(1) (A)(i); 28 C.F.R. 2.Title III of the ADA and its implementing regulations prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability by places of public accommodation. § 12182; 28 C.F.R. Specifically, title III requires places of public accommodation to make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, or procedures to afford access to persons with disabilities, including those who use service animals, that is equal to the access afforded to individuals without disabilities.

§ 12182(b)(2)(A)(ii); 28 C.F.R. 3.The Attorney General of the United States (Attorney General) is authorized to enforce title III of the ADA by seeking damages and full compliance with title III's provisions, including requiring the owners and operators of a place of public accommodation to make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, and procedures, 28 C.F.R.

The Attorney General may commence a civil action to enforce title III in any situation where the Attorney General has reasonable cause to believe that a pattern or practice of discrimination exists or a matter of general public importance is raised. § 12188(a)(2); 42 U.S.C. § 12188(b)(1)(B). The Parties to this Agreement are the United States and Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart owns and operates sales establishments throughout the nation and is, therefore, a public accommodation as defined in section 301(7)(E) of the ADA, 42 U.S.C.

§ 12181(7)(E), and its implementing regulation, 28 C.F.R. The United States has determined that the complainants are individuals with disabilities, as defined by the ADA and its implementing regulation, 42 U.S.C.

§ 12102(2); 28 C.F.R. The term 'Wal-Mart Stores' as used herein will mean: all Wal-Mart stores, including but not limited to Division 1 stores, Supercenters, Sam's Clubs, Neighborhood Markets, and other facilities located in the United States where Wal-Mart sells any good or service to members of the public. The term 'Wal-Mart associates' as used herein will mean individuals employed by Wal-Mart. Prior to the United States' investigation, Wal-Mart had taken certain steps to comply with title III of the ADA, including the adoption of a policy of posting signs at the front of Wal-Mart Stores that say 'Service Animals Permitted' and including information on the ADA in a computer module training program used to train certain new associates. 10.In consideration of the terms of this Agreement, the United States agrees to refrain from undertaking further investigation or filing a civil suit in this matter regarding the areas covered under the Remedial Action section of this Agreement, except as provided in the Enforcement Section of the Agreement.

11.None of the agreements, statements, or actions reflected herein shall be deemed an admission of wrongdoing or liability by Wal-Mart. The agreements, statements, and actions are made in order to compromise and settle certain complaints against Wal-Mart received by the United States and shall not be used for any other purpose, except as herein stated.

Wal-Mart expressly asserts that, as described in paragraph 9 above, it already has policies and training in place regarding the service animal requirements of the ADA and seeks to enhance its policies and practices in the manner set forth below. The United States contends that steps taken by Wal-Mart were inadequate to achieve ADA compliance. REMEDIAL ACTION 12.Consistent with the ADA, Wal-Mart will not discriminate against any individual on the basis of disability in the full and equal enjoyment of any of its goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations. Specifically, as provided by the ADA, Wal-Mart also will not refuse to make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, and procedures to afford equal access to its goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of Wal-Mart Stores by persons with disabilities, including but not limited to persons who use service animals. Service Animal Policy 13.Within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Agreement, to ensure equal access for persons with disabilities who use service animals to all facilities owned, operated, leased to, or leased by Wal-Mart in the United States, Wal-Mart will adopt the Service Animal Policy (Policy) attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein as to this Agreement. Wal-Mart may revise the Policy during the term of this Agreement after prior written approval of the United States, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Reasonable grounds for Wal-Mart to revise the Policy include changing the Policy to conform to changes to the ADA statutory language or changes to the title III regulations.

14.Within sixty (60) days of the effective date of this Agreement, Wal-Mart will begin distributing the Policy attached as to all People Greeters, Store Managers, and Assistant Store Managers through a Computer-Based Learning ('CBL') module with distribution to be completed within one hundred twenty (120) days of the effective date of this Agreement. Thereafter, Wal-Mart will require all new People Greeters, Store Managers, and Assistant Store Managers not previously trained on the Policy to access the CBL module within ten (10) days of the date on which they assume their new positions.

Further, within sixty (60) days of the effective date of this Agreement, Wal- Mart will post a copy of this Policy on its website in a location that is easy for customers with disabilities to find, in a format accessible to persons with disabilities (i.e., HTML format), and in all Wal-Mart Stores in a conspicuous location where associates can readily read the Policy, such as the employee lounge. The posted Policy shall be printed in a bold font no smaller than 16 points on a contrasting background and shall include an image designed by Wal-Mart of a person with a disability who uses a service dog.

The heading on the posted Policy ('WAL-MART STORES, INC., POLICY REGARDING SERVICE ANIMALS FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES') shall be printed in capital letters in a bold font no smaller than 20 points. Physical copies of the posted Policy will be refreshed, as needed, for the life of this Agreement. Within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the effective date of this Agreement, Wal-Mart will provide the United States with proof of the issuance, communication to associates, and posting of the Policy in all Wal-Mart Stores. 15.For the life of this Agreement, on an annual basis, Wal-Mart will provide pre-shift instruction regarding the Policy to all Wal-Mart associates who have contact with the public. Such instruction shall provide an overview of the Policy and associates' responsibilities thereunder, and shall tell associates where the Policy is posted so they may read it.

Individual copies of the Policy shall be made available upon request. Wal-Mart will provide the United States with proof that such training occurred. Training 16.Within one hundred twenty (120) days of the effective date of this Agreement, and on an annual basis for the life of this Agreement, Wal-Mart will provide educational training concerning the substantive provisions of the ADA through the CBL module discussed in Paragraph 14 to all People Greeters, Store Managers, and Assistant Store Managers. This training, which, for People Greeters and Assistant Store Managers is expected to be no more than twelve (12) minutes in duration, and which will be developed in consultation with the United States shall include the following: a. Information on each individual's duties and obligations under title III of the ADA generally and with respect to the obligations to make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, and procedures and to maintain accessible features; b. Instruction on Wal-Mart's policy related to the ADA and service animals; c. Instruction on procedures to ensure that customers with disabilities accompanied by service animals have access to Wal-Mart Stores that is equal to the access afforded to customers without disabilities; d.

A question and answer session to review each of the foregoing areas; and e.Certification of attendance by the person conducting the educational program for each person attending the program. Wal-Mart will send the United States copies of all such certifications of attendance within thirty (30) days of each training; f. The review by the United States of the CBL module for Store Managers shall be with regard to the title III components only, not the title I components. Grievance Procedure 17.Within one hundred twenty (120) days of the effective date of this Agreement, Wal-Mart will post in a conspicuous location in the public entryways of all Wal-Mart Stores a sign prominently stating 'Service Animals Welcome – Report Problems to 1-800-963-8442.' Signage will be printed in a bold font no smaller than 20 points in size on a contrasting background. This signage will be refreshed, as needed, for the life of this Agreement. Wal-Mart further acknowledges that, while it is not a requirement of this Agreement, it is current Wal-Mart policy to post in each store a sign with the Store Manager's name, telephone number, and photograph.

18.Wal-Mart's Ethics Office will be responsible for receiving and investigating all ADA title III-related complaints by customers received at 1-800-963-8442 or otherwise directed to the corporate office. Within sixty (60) days of the effective date of this Agreement, Wal- Mart will post on its Internet website (within the domain the contact information for the Ethics Office in a website location that is easy for customers with disabilities to find and in a format accessible to persons with disabilities (i.e., HTML format).

For purposes of this Agreement, a complaint alleging any problem related to a customer's or potential customer's service animal will be treated as an ADA title III- related complaint. Within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Agreement, Wal- Mart will train the responsible Ethics Office associates so that they are knowledgeable regarding the requirements of title III applicable to Wal-Mart, including effective communication and reasonable modification requirements, and the terms of this Agreement.